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Journal Article
Cisneros-Velarde P, Bullo F.  2020.  Signed Network Formation Games and Clustering Balance. Dynamic Games and Applications.
Labrecque J., Kim Y.J, Malone T., Yon GVega, de la Haye K..  Submitted.  Social intelligence and social networks predict group performance. Network Science.
Romero D, Uzzi B, Kleinberg J.  2019.  Social Networks under stress: Specialized Team Roles and their Communication Structure. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB). 13(1)
Chen G., Duan X., Friedkin N.E, Bullo F..  2019.  Social Power Dynamics over Switching and Stochastic Influence Networks.. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 64(2)
Tian Y., Jia P., Mirtabatabaei A., Wang L., Friedkin N.E, Bullo F.  2021.  Social power evolution in influence networks with stubborn individuals. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Askarisichani O, Ng J, Bullo F, Friedkin NE, Singh AK, Uzzi B.  2019.  Structural Balance Emerges and Explains Performance in Risky Decision-Making. Nature Communications. 10
Rawlings C., Friedkin N.E..  2017.  The Structural Balance Theory of Sentiment Networks: Elaboration and Test. American Journal of Sociology. 123(2):38.
Cisneros-Velarde P, Friedkin NE, Proskurnikov AV, Bullo F.  2020.  Structural Balance via Gradient Flows over Signed Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Friedkin N.E, Jia P., Bullo F..  2016.  A Theory of the Evolution of Social Power: Natural Trajectories of Interpersonal Influence Systems along Issue Sequences. Sociological Science. 3:28.
Azoulay P, Graff-Zivin J, Uzzi B, Wang D, Williams H, Evans JA, Jin GZhe, Lu SFeng, Jones BF, Börner K et al..  2018.  Toward a more scientific science. Science. 361
