Importance of Scientific Collaboration in Contemporary Drug Discovery and Development: A Detailed Network Analysis.

TitleImportance of Scientific Collaboration in Contemporary Drug Discovery and Development: A Detailed Network Analysis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCheng F, Ma Y, Uzzi B, Loscalzo J
JournalBMC Biology
Start Page138
Date Published10/2020
KeywordsCardiovascular disease, Collaboration network, Drug discovery, network analysis, PCSK9, Scientific collaboration, TNF inhibitors

Growing evidence shows that scientific collaboration plays a crucial role in transformative innovation in the life sciences. For example, contemporary drug discovery and development reflects the work of teams of individuals from academic centers, the pharmaceutical industry, the regulatory science community, health care providers, and patients. However, public understanding of how collaborations between academia and industry catalyze novel target identification and first-in-class drug discovery is limited.

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