A Network Formation Game for the Emergence of Hierarchies

TitleA Network Formation Game for the Emergence of Hierarchies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsCisneros-Velarde P, Bullo F
JournalPLoS One
Start Page1
Date Published08/2021
Keywordsnetwork formation games

We propose a novel network formation game that explains the emergence of various hierarchical structures in groups where self-interested or utility-maximizing individuals decide to establish or severe relationships of authority or collaboration among themselves. We consider two settings: we first consider individuals who do not seek the other party’s consent when establishing a relationship and then individuals who do. For both settings, we formally relate the emerged hierarchical structures with the novel inclusion of well-motivated hierarchy promoting terms in the individuals’ utility functions. We first analyze the game via a static analysis and characterize all the hierarchical structures that can be formed as its solutions. We then consider the game played dynamically under stochastic interactions among individuals implementing better-response dynamics and analyze the nature of the converged networks.

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