Multi-Group Connectivity Structures and their Implications

TitleMulti-Group Connectivity Structures and their Implications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMohagheghi S., Agharkar P., Friedkin N.E, Bullo F.
JournalNetwork Science
Date Published12/2019

We investigate the implications of different forms of multigroup connectivity. Four multigroup connectivity modalities are considered: co-memberships, edge bundles, bridges, and liaison hierarchies. We propose generative models to generate these four modalities. Our models are variants of planted partition or stochastic block models conditioned under certain topological constraints. We report findings of a comparative analysis in which we evaluate these structures, controlling for their edge densities and sizes, on mean rates of information propagation, convergence times to consensus, and steady-state deviations from the consensus value in the presence of noise as network size increases.

Refereed DesignationRefereed