We are proud to announce two more PhD conferrals resulting from ARO grant# W911NF-15-1-0577.
Omid Askarisichani successfully defended his PhD dissertation with the title of "Explainable Models of Performance on Networks" on 18 Nov 2020 and graduated from the department of Computer Science, University of California Santa Barbara. Always smiling, Omid joined the MURI project in his first term of graduate school and has worked closely with the project PIs ever since. He will join Google Inc. as a Machine Learning engineer for conducting research and development.
Elizabeth Huang has worked with Professor Franceso Bullo in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Her dissertation, titled "Networks of Coupled Oscillators and Social Network Structures of Teams," explores the ubiquity of networks in nature and engineering by looking at both the synchronization in networks of coupled oscillators and model as well as the dynamics of influence networks of human teams. Liz defended her dissertation on 3 December 2020 and will join the engineering team at Systems Technology, Inc. in 2021.
Congratulations Dr. Askarisichani and Dr. Huang!!!