Three Spring PhDs

June 04, 2018

We are proud to announce three graduate students have completed their dissertations and will graduate with PhD's this Spring.

Wenjun Mei is now a postdoctoral scientist at ETH Zurich. His dissertation was titled, "Modeling and Analysis of Social Network Dynamics: Propagation, Learning and Structural Balance." He was a Mechanical Engineering student at UCSB, advised by Professor Francesco Bullo.

Jackie Ng received her PhD in Industrial Engineering & Management Scienes from Northwestern University. She has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship with the Laboratory for Innovation Science (LISH) at Harvard University starting in Fall 2018. Her dissertation was “Teams and organizing in the digital age: How team networks form and why they perform.” She was advised by Professor Brian Uzzi.

And Victor Amelkin, a Computer Science student at UCSB, advised by Professor Ambuj Singh, will join U Penn as a postdoc in Summer 2018. His dissertation is "Analysis, Modeling, and Control of Dynamic Processes in Networks."

Congratulations Wenjun, Jackie, and Victor!